Come to the 2023 SRS Annual Conference!

17th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference

“Ricoeur in Practice”

October 12-14, 2023

Institute for Christian Studies
59 St. George Street,
Toronto, Ontario

Program Schedule


Poster (pdf)

2023 Conference Poster

Preliminary 2023 Conference program available!

17th Annual Society for Ricoeur Studies Conference

“Ricoeur in Practice”

October 12-14, 2023

Institute for Christian Studies

Program Schedule


Come to the 2022 SRS Conference!


OCTOBER 20-22, 2022

Venue: Los Angeles, California

CSU, Dominguez Hills

Here’s how to sign up.

Full program available.

2023 MLA Panel Paper Call

Please consider submitting a paper proposal for the following panel at the Modern Language Association conference to be held January 5-8, 2023 in San Francisco:

Ricoeur’s Interpretation Theory and Our Work Now

Paul Ricoeur insisted there is always more meaning than can be articulated, appropriated, or understood. This session seeks enactments, explorations, and reconsiderations of his Interpretation Theory 50 years laterPlease send 250-word abstract and bio.

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, 16 March 2022Nate Mickelson, New York U ( )

Call for Papers for the 2022 Fonds Ricoeur Summer Workshop

To apply for participation in the 2022 Summer Workshop, please submit an abstract on one the seven following topics:
• Defining hermeneutical phenomenology: Time and Narrative as an explanation
• Temporal experience in Time and Narrative 1 and 3: modalities of temporality from Aristotle to St. Augustine and from Kant to Husserl and Heidegger
• The theme of history in Time and Narrative 1 and 3 (and beyond): Ricœur’s epistemology of history and its reception
• Narrative and time in the maintenance of a Coherent Self, or The selfsame self and its narrative-temporal structures
• Ricœur’s theory of reading as an articulation of the rhetoric of reading, the phenomenology of reading, and the aesthetics of reception
• For what does Time and Narrative as a whole need its volume 2?
• Reconfiguration and Religion: Hermeneutizing the Uninterpretable

The Society for Ricœur Studies and The Fonds Ricœur have released a call for abstracts on the seven following topics (French only):
• La métaphore vive et Temps et Récit, deux ouvrages et une conception
• La cellule mélodique de Temps et récit I et son effectuation dans la trilogie :  la triple mimèsis
• Débats avec la sémiotique et l’analyse littéraire
• Le Récit de fiction : « L’entrecroisement de la fiction et de l’histoire »
• La profondeur de l’expérience temporelle et les variations imaginatives à travers Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann et Marcel Proust
• Qu’est-ce qu’une poétique du récit ?
• Renoncer à Hegel : histoire et aboutissement d’un thème fondateur

Please submit your abstracts (600- 1000 words) and your detailed bibliography by March 31, 2022 to
Notification of acceptance will be sent out prior to April 15, 2022.

Important: Submissions can be provided in French or English – depending on the chosen subject area of investigation. Themes noted below in English will consider paper submissions in English only. Similarly, thematic areas noted in French will accept paper submissions in French only.


Nous sommes honorés d’annoncer un appel aux propositions pour notre cinquième édition des ateliers d’été consacrée à la Trilogie du Temps et récit. 
Le Fonds Ricœur et la Society for Ricœur Studies  font appel aux propositions pour les sept thèmes suivants:

• La métaphore vive et Temps et Récit, deux ouvrages et une conception
• La cellule mélodique de Temps et récit I et son effectuation dans la trilogie :  la triple mimèsis
• Débats avec la sémiotique et l’analyse littéraire
• Le Récit de fiction : « L’entrecroisement de la fiction et de l’histoire »
• La profondeur de l’expérience temporelle et les variations imaginatives à travers Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann et Marcel Proust
• Qu’est-ce qu’une poétique du récit ?
• Renoncer à Hegel : histoire et aboutissement d’un thème fondateur

Le Fonds Ricœur et la Society for Ricœur Studies  font appel aux propositions pour les sept thèmes suivants (anglais uniquement):

• Defining hermeneutical phenomenology: Time and Narrative as an explanation

• Temporal experience in Time and Narrative 1 and 3: modalities of temporality from Aristotle to St. Augustine and from Kant to Husserl and Heidegger

• The theme of history in Time and Narrative 1 and 3 (and beyond): Ricœur’s epistemology of history and its reception

• Narrative and time in the maintenance of a Coherent Self, or, The selfsame self and its narrative-temporal structures

• Ricœur’s theory of reading as an articulation of the rhetoric of reading, the phenomenology of reading, and the aesthetics of reception

• For what does Time and Narrative as a whole need its volume 2?

• Reconfiguration and Religion: Hermeneutizing the Uninterpretable

Instructions : Envoi des propositions (600- 1000 mots) et de votre bibliographie détaillée avant le 31 mars 2022 à
Vous recevrez une réponse avant le 15 avril 2022.

Important : Les propositions devront être faites en anglais ou en français en fonction de la langue du thème choisi. Pour les thèmes mentionnés en anglais, votre proposition de résumé doit être rédigée impérativement en anglais. Pour les thèmes mentionnés en français, votre proposition de résumé doit être rédigée impérativement en français.

Upcoming Conference

“Paul Ricoeur on Collective Identities” 

University of Trier

Nov. 15-17

Please see “Conferences & Workshops” page

2021 RICOEUR (ONLINE) CONFERENCE : 7th-9th October

We are happy to announce that the 2021 Ricoeur conference will take place online from the 7th to the 9th of October. There is no conference fee this year; just the Society registration fee. Please visit here for instructions about how to join and register for the conference! We are happy to welcome you!

Here is the conference schedule!

Reading After Ricoeur

Cristal Huang (Ed.), Avec des contributions de Roger W.H. Savage, Morny Joy, George H. Taylor, Olivier Abel (Soochow University, Taiwan, 2019).

Digital Ricoeur now on Website

The link to many of Paul Ricoeur’s work is now on our website. Thank you, George, Fernando and Michael for making this project happen!

Continue reading

Ricoeur Research Center in Taiwan

ricoeurSee the latest events and research at the Ricoeur Research Center in Taiwan