On May 28-29, 2025, the Department of Philosophy at Soochow University and the Ricoeur Research Center (Ricoeur Research Center/Centre de recherches ricoeuriennes) will host the International Conference on Paul Ricoeur and Philosophy for Our Time at Soochow University’s Waishuangsi Campus (Rooms B015 and B013).
Conference Theme
Image and Imagination
International Conference on Paul Ricoeur and Philosophy for Our Time
(In English)
May 28-29, 2025
Department of Philosophy at Soochow University
Ricoeur Research Center/Centre de recherches ricoeuriennes
This conference is organized in response to the March 2024 publication edited by George H. Taylor, Jean-Luc Amalric et al., featuring Paul Ricoeur’s lectures at the University of Chicago Divinity School, which have now been published as Lectures on Imagination and its French translation, Paul Ricoeur, L’Imagination—Cours à l’Université de Chicago.
Call for Papers
(full Call in PDF download)
Keynote Speakers
We are honored to have:
- Olivier Abel, founding member and former Executive Director of the Fonds Ricoeur, and Professor Emeritus at the faculté de théologie protestante de Montpellier
- George H. Taylor, founding President of the Society for Ricoeur Studies, and Professor Emeritus of Law at University of Pittsburgh
- Professor Kuan-Min Huang (Reseach Fellow and Director of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica)
- Jean-Luc Amalric (Université de Nîmes, CPGE Arts et Design, CRAL, EHESS, France), the French translator of Lectures on Imagination
- Michael Johnson, current President of the Society for Ricoeur Studies, Concordia College, USA
The conference will also feature presentations by distinguished Taiwanese scholars, including Wen-Sheng Wang (Professor Emeritus, National Chengchi University) and Yun-Ping Sun (National Central University), whose contributions to Ricoeur studies in Taiwan are significant.
International Participants
We are pleased to welcome esteemed international scholars, including:
- Leovino Garcia, former Senior Dean, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
- Gonçalo Marcelo, University of Coimbia, Portugal
- Geoffrey Dierckxsens, Head of the Interdisciplinary Research Lab for Bioethics, Institute of Philosophy, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
- Tomoaki Yamada, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan
- Jonghyuk Chang, Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies
- Ying-Lin Yeh, China Graduate School of Theology, Hong Kong
Conference Organization
This conference is jointly organized by:
- Hsueh-I Chen, Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism, National Taiwan Normal University
- Ming-Yeung Chang, Department of Religious Studies, Fu Jen Catholic University
- Cristal Huang, Ricoeur Research Center, Department of Philosophy, Soochow University
We extend our special thanks to National Science and Technology Council, R.O.C., Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Fondation Taïwan-Française pour la Culture et l’Éducation, and FULIN Culture & Art Foundation for their co-sponsorship.
We warmly invite all interested scholars to follow and participate in this event.
For submission:
Please send the information of Name, Affiliation, topic and 300 words abstract by March 31, 2025, Taiwan time, to:
Cristal Huang: image.imagination.ricoeur.taiwan@gmail.com
By April 1, we will announce the result of submission.
Before April 30, we will post the conference program, and registration information (no registration fee. Participants need to arrange the travel and accommodation).
Contact Information
For further inquiries, please contact:
Dr. Cristal Huang
Organized by
- Department of Philosophy, Soochow University
- Ricoeur Research Center / Centre de recherches ricoeuriennes